Sicilian Husband, Unexpected Baby - Sharon Kendrick

Thảo luận trong 'Sách tiếng nước ngoài' bắt đầu bởi conguyen, 5/10/13.

  1. conguyen

    conguyen Sinh viên năm IV

    Sicilian Husband, Unexpected Baby by Sharon Kendrick

    When Emma's billionaire Sicilian husband found out she was infertile, their marriage was over. Then, back in England, Emma discovered the impossible had happened - she was pregnant! But life is hard, and, unable to pay her bills, she has only one option: Vincenzo. .is blackmailing her back into his bed! Now that he knows he's a father, Vincenzo will claim his son and if Emma is to stay with her beloved child, she must return to the marriage bed!


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    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/8/14
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