Thiên văn Our Ancestors Came from Outer Space - Maurice Chatelain

Thảo luận trong 'Sách tiếng nước ngoài' bắt đầu bởi vinhhoa, 1/8/23.

  1. vinhhoa

    vinhhoa Lớp 7

    Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space

    Did human civilization begin 65,000 years ago when extraterrestrial visitors landed on this planet? Is it possible that all mankinds knowledge did not evolve slowly but was bequeathed to us suddenly by such visitors?

    Maurice Chatelain has compiled an enormous amount of evidence indicating that this may be the case. A former NASA space expert, he argues the astronauts from another planet in another solar system did land on earth where they mated with Neanderthal women, thus producing the Cro-Magnon people — much more highly developed — and taught them very advanced knowledge. These were our ancestors.

    Sounds fantastic — but Chatelain’s theory has a sound scientific basis. Using computers, he has carefully studied such mysteries as the Egyptian pyramids, Mayan calendar, and Sumerian zodiac. From new and previously overlooked information, he has deduced that highly advanced civilizations existed on Earth as far back as 65,000 years ago — civilizations with a dazzling knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, metallurgy, electricity, and maybe even chemistry and nuclear physics. Evidence of “prehistoric” scientific accomplishment is to be found all over the world — from the ancient civilization of the Sumerians to that of the Mayas.

    What is more, Chatelain explains how the astronauts from outer space, who imparted this information to earth, are still sending us signals and watching our progress — waiting until we are ready to receive their next messages.

    INTRODUCTION — The Apollo Spacecraft
    1 — The Constant of Nineveh
    2 — The Mayan Calendar
    3 — The Secret of the Pyramid
    4 — The Maltese Cross
    5 — The Rhodes Calculator
    6 — The Kings of the Sea
    7 — The Signs of the Zodiac
    8 — The Polar Mysteries
    9 — The Universal Calendar
    10 — The Four Moons
    11 — The Mystery of Atlantis
    12 — Contact with Extraterrestrial Civilizations

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    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 1/8/23
  2. vinaguy

    vinaguy Lớp 11

    Cuốn này đã có NXB nào dịch và xuất bản chưa các bác nhỉ? Hay là mình uýnh đi cho rồi ta? :) thông tin thì đầy mạng ra rồi... nhưng không hệ thống gì và cũng không biết nguồn từ đâu.
  3. vinhhoa

    vinhhoa Lớp 7

    Nguồn sách ở z-library, sách xuất bản 1988.

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