Children Wintry Tales Series - Holly Weeb

Thảo luận trong 'Sách tiếng nước ngoài' bắt đầu bởi Trúc Quỳnh Đặng, 19/9/21.

  1. Trúc Quỳnh Đặng

    Trúc Quỳnh Đặng Moderator Thành viên BQT

    The Snow Bear


    As the snow begins to fall just days before Christmas, Grandad helps Sara build an igloo in the garden, and Sara sculpts a small polar bear to watch over it. What could be more exciting than sleeping outside under the stars? But when Sara wakes up in the middle of the night, she finds that the igloo is no longer in the garden.

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  2. Trúc Quỳnh Đặng

    Trúc Quỳnh Đặng Moderator Thành viên BQT

    The Reindeer Girl


    From best-selling author Holly Webb comes a gorgeous wintery story of a very special friendship, just in time for Christmas. One Christmas, Lotta is visiting her grandmother in Norway. Soon, she finds herself drawn into a magical adventure, travelling by sledge, herding reindeer from the snowy mountains to the summer pastures. But when a mother reindeer is lost, Lotta must find her before her calf starves? Fans of Holly Webb's The Snow Bear will delight in this beautiful winter's tale set in snowy Norway. A beautiful tale that would make a lovely Christmas present or stocking filler for any fan of Holly Webb's Animal Stories.

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  3. Trúc Quỳnh Đặng

    Trúc Quỳnh Đặng Moderator Thành viên BQT

    The Winter Wolf


    Amelia is exploring the huge, old house where her family are spending Christmas when she finds a diary hidden in the attic. It was written by a boy struggling to look after an abandoned wolf pup. Before she knows it, Amelia is transported into the wintry world of the diary.

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  4. Trúc Quỳnh Đặng

    Trúc Quỳnh Đặng Moderator Thành viên BQT

    The Storm Leopards


    The countdown to Christmas has begun, and Isabelle is enjoying a family day out at the zoo. As her sister watches the penguins, Isabelle is the only one to catch a glimpse of a snow leopard, with its beautiful spotted silver-grey coat and long fluffy tail. Fascinated by these rare and endangered creatures, Isabelle tries to find out what she can do to help protect them. Little does she know she’s about to be whisked into her very own magical snow leopard adventure, where a mother and her cubs are in danger…

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  5. Trúc Quỳnh Đặng

    Trúc Quỳnh Đặng Moderator Thành viên BQT

    The Snow Cat


    Bel feels apprehensive about spending the lead-up to Christmas with her grandma at Lamont House, a sheltered housing complex converted from a grand Victorian home. The mansion is beautiful, but eerie, too with its moving shadows and odd noises. One night, Bel is sure she sees a cat wandering across the grounds, even though there are no pets allowed. She follows its footprints through the snow and is transported into the past. Here, she discovers Charlotte, a Victorian girl her own age. Charlotte's little sister, Sara, is very ill. Charlotte has been searching for Sara's cat, Snow. She hopes the reunion with her pet might make Sara better. Bel is desperate to help find Snow, but the cat is nowhere to be found, and time is running out...

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  6. Trúc Quỳnh Đặng

    Trúc Quỳnh Đặng Moderator Thành viên BQT

    The Storm Dog


    Tilly is going to stay with her gran and great-gran in Wales. She's got a big school project about the Second World War to do and Gran, who was evacuated herself during the war, has promised to help. Travelling on the train for the first time alone, Tilly falls asleep and wakes up to discover she's travelled all the way back to World War II. She's being evacuated to Wales with her two younger brothers. Stern Mr Edwards offers to give them a home on his remote farm, where she meets a very special sheepdog...

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  7. Trúc Quỳnh Đặng

    Trúc Quỳnh Đặng Moderator Thành viên BQT



    The neighbours all complain about the foxes hanging around the flat where Cassie lives, close to the river Thames, but Cassie thinks they’re beautiful. Her favourite is a small fox with a white tail-tip, who she names Frost. One night she catches sight of him out in the snow, looking cold and thin, and decides to sneak him some food. But Frost seems to want her to follow him. As he leads Cassie towards the river she feels the world change around her and finds herself in the back in the 17th century – at the time of the Frost Fair on the frozen Thames. At first she is thrilled by the sights and sounds of the famous fair, then she glimpses a fox with a white tail-tip. It appears that Frost wants her to follow him again. Can she find a way to return the fox to his countryside home?

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